Learning Outcome 8 - Demonstrated ability through anticipated or actual teaching, to apply the principles of language pedagogy to teach both oral and written English.

Artifact - Public Speaking Course Lesson Plans


The Public Speaking Class course is a compilation of two different lesson plans – unit one speech initially created for Professor Abigail Kleier, Second Language Pedagogy I (TESL 545) Fall I 2018, and unit two essay exercise designed for Dr. Gena Bennett's Second Language Pedagogy II (TESL 550) Fall II 2018. It was then supplemented and updated after completing Professor Michael Chamberlain Intercultural Communication (TESL 530) Fall I 2020. Each unit lesson demonstrates my ability to develop lesson plans using alternative teaching methods that integrate the four modalities of English learning to accommodate ESL students in a traditional public speech classroom.


Second Language Pedagogy I & II exposed me to various pedagogical approaches to language teaching and the relationship between reading, writing, and the context in determining the best methods. I utilized a task-based language teaching approach (TBLT) for both unit lessons to provide an authentic and meaningful environment for language learning. As I revisited and revised my speaking lesson plan, I considered speaking in front of an audience and how it produces anxiety for me even as a native speaker. It is doubly for ESL students who lack essential skills in English. Yet, most ESL students who elect such a speech course are motivated by extrinsic factors like getting a job or furthering a career. As I learn and understand better, I see the need to build intentional nurturing tasks into lesson planning to maximize a learner's engagement with a given classroom task.


As an instructor, I must remain aware and sensitive to developing a consistent classroom approach that considers the importance of meaningful exchanges under a context that features rich input, purposeful interaction, and pushed output related to task-based instruction (Norris 2011). I will continually cultivate my perspective on various approaches to language teaching of the four modalities of English language through multiple methods of research, teaching conferences events, and make the necessary adjustments when planning lessons and tasks. I will establish classroom goals that focus on all the components of communicative competence and will design language techniques to engage learners in each classroom task using language for meaningful purposes. I will also implement more exposure to genres and integrate literature in the classroom, creating more cultural awareness since literary texts have themes and settings fixed in a specific period, place, and culture. As well as use authentic classroom materials such as podcasts, book reviews, and magazine articles to teach English as the target language.